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3 Common Dating Mistakes

Here are 3 common mistakes made by those during their first date.


1. The Group Huddle


We all want to feel comfortable. We’re usually comfortable staying in our own little groups. STOP IT! I’m surprised to see LDS singles enter into a room with their “group” and make no effort to talk to anyone new. Then later on the girls and guys complain about their dating life and how much it sucks because they haven’t met new people. Stop complaining. Meet new individuals. I understand that it may be hard for some to be “social”. I’m sorry. But practice is the only way you’ll get better.


2. Lurking


This is the opposite extreme. At nearly every LDS single activity there seems to be a few people lurking. They circle around by themselves waiting and watching. Like a lion hunting for new prey. The sad truth is that these people sometimes are perceived as creepers. No one likes a creeper.


When you’re at an activity, don’t wander around to “check out the scene” or scan the area with your eyes looking for men and women that you might find attractive. This is weird and only makes you seem insecure. Instead, just immediately start a conversation with the person closest to you. Make your way around the room while talking to new people.


3. Interview Questions


Everyone likes interesting conversation right? Then why in the world do Mormon singles always start conversations the same uninteresting way? DON’T INTERVIEW EACH OTHER! Questions like: “Where are you from? Where do you work? What are you studying?” are a big NO NO! Truth be told, they are boring questions.


Those questions can be learned later–as you get to know the person. Don’t start the conversation that way. Instead be spontaneous and start a conversation that will actually keep someone engaged. And don’t necessarily “introduce” yourself upon first meeting someone. I know that sounds counter-intuitive. But when you start a conversation with “hi I’m ______, what’s your name?” then the other person is going to immediately sense you are hitting on them.


This is especially true when guys introduce themselves to women at these activities. Women will get the “he’s hitting on me” vibe, which most of the time isn’t a good thing, as we’ve read in this article HERE. It’s surprising how rampant one can see these mistakes being made by Mormon singles, but all it takes is to follow these tips to turn a not-so-fun activity into one that you enjoy and fulfills its purpose–you meeting people to date. Good luck, and “may the odds be ever in your favor.”


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